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The information and contents listed on this website (; (“website”), is intended for general, informational, and promotional purposes only. The information on this site is not intended as legal advice or as a substitute for legal representation.


Although the website may be considered advertising under applicable California law, the information listed herein is not intended to solicit clients, advertise legal services, or create an attorney-client relationship.


No attorney-client relationship is created between you and the attorney by viewing this website, by completing the online questionnaire , or by initially contacting the attorney.


The outcome of each legal case is different and not based on advertisements. The Law Offices of Doron Ohel makes no guarantee, prediction, or warranty as to the outcome of your particular case, nor make any claim that the legal work performed is of a higher standard.


We take your privacy seriously. Any information submitted to the Law Offices of Doron Ohel will not be revealed or sold to third parties, unless required by relevant authorities. Furthermore, we will take reasonable measures to ensure your data provided on this website will not be disclosed.


You continued navigation on this website constitutes an affirmative agreement. Any dispute arising form this website will be adjudicated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California.

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